Aloha Wanderwell

Aloha Wanderwell

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By this time it was obvious that a basic problem for the female itinerant was finding a little privacy to accommodate nature. The human race has developed a considerable variety of such conveniences but they were excruciatingly scarce in 1922. Either females did not travel in Italy or the Good Lord provided them with extra capacity stowage.

Aloha Wanderwell
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Explorer & World Traveler

Aloha Wanderwell "First woman to drive around the world by automobile 1922-1927" Toured the globe in a Ford Model-T with an early motion picture camera. The Wanderwell Adventure films captured the first glimpses of the people, cultures and historical landmarks in 85 countries on six continents from the early 1920s. including 1930's

Aloha Wanderwell
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